Sunday, September 7, 2014


Hello!! My name is Mike Fisher and this is my blog for AVT 422. A little bit about myself, I am a senior at Eastern Michigan University and I am a part of the flight technology program and also apart of the swim team. I am looking forward to this class very much because it will help me prepare for the future and the start in the aviation industry. I have always been interested in aviation and cannot wait to finally be apart of the working force in the aviation community!!


  1. Mike, I wish I would have learned a little more about you in this intro, but thanks for reminding me that you are on the swim team! I remember that from AVT120.

    1. Well I'm originally from Ypsilanti, one of the yocal locals, but went to Saline High School. I have 3 brothers and all of us from oldest to youngest are 3 years apart, so growing up it was kind of crazy. I've always been very interested in aviation as a whole and love anything to do about planes. I worked with Baltia Airlines this summer for an internship.
