Sunday, September 14, 2014

Flying Cheap review and a little more about me

This week in our senior seminar class we watched a documentary about regional flying called Flying Cheap. This documentary mainly focused on a regional flight that crashed and the story behind it and also about the life of a regional pilot. To start I'm going to tell you a little bit more about myself and what I would like to do in the aviation industry. I would first like to graduate from here at eastern Michigan then I would like to apply to become an Air Traffic Controller (ATC). I would then go through the training and continue to do that for the next 3 years and while still doing ATC, I would like the join the Air National Guard as a pilot. In doing this I would likely finish up my 1000 hour or 1500 hours needed to go and get my ATP and work for an airline company.
After I finished getting my hours, I would most likely like to go somewhere besides the US to start my career as an airline pilot. A couple companies I would like to work for are, Air Emirates, Lufthansa, Korean Air, or British Airways. After spending time there, if I feel its necessary, I would maybe come back to the US and hopefully get a job with Delta Airlines. Some of the things I am scared of though is that when I am doing ATC and try and join the Air National Guard, that I will be too old to be a pilot for them and since I'm already ATC, I will get put in doing ATC for the Air National Guard. Other things I'm scared of is when if I go over seas, I come back to the states and the companies don't want to spend the money on me to get my type rating for the plane they need and I will have trouble finding a job. Another thing I'm scared of happening is I fly for one of the foreign companies and they give me not the safest route. Also After watching the Flying Cheap documentary, I really makes me want to try and look for a starting position with a company over seas.
In the Flying Cheap documentary, it was talked about professionalism a lot and there were some cases of non professionalism in the documentary on both the pilots and management. One of the big things that stuck out at me about no being professional was when the management fudged the pilots numbers here and there to try and give them more time to rest for there mandatory 8 hours of no flying. I find this very unprofessional because this is lying about a person time flying and could cause people to get injured or die. Go along with that it was also unprofessional of the pilots because they most likely didn't say anything about it and just continued to fly.
Some ways I plan on not letting this happen to me and become unprofessional is that I plan on following the rules and not trying and take the easy way out. If I am tried I will not fly and try and push my boundaries even if it could lose me my job. I will also always come in prepared to learn and have the best flight I could possible have and get my passengers from point A to point B safe and sound. I know this was a little long but I hope you enjoyed reading it. If you have any comments please leave one at the bottom and I will try and respond.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Hello!! My name is Mike Fisher and this is my blog for AVT 422. A little bit about myself, I am a senior at Eastern Michigan University and I am a part of the flight technology program and also apart of the swim team. I am looking forward to this class very much because it will help me prepare for the future and the start in the aviation industry. I have always been interested in aviation and cannot wait to finally be apart of the working force in the aviation community!!